Psychic enchants at solstice fundraiser

Psychic and medium Anne Gehman performed touch readings at the Summer Solstice-themed event for Craftworks, held Tuesday, June 21. (Chronicle photo by Kelly Cambrel)
A local couple invited the community into their home for a CraftWorks fundraiser featuring psychic Anne Gehman.
The event, which was hosted by Dave and Peggy Humphreys, featured a southern fried chicken dinner and “touch readings” from the nationally known psychic/medium.
Gehman is a ordained minister and teacher and professional psychic, who called her work ” a calling”.
Gehman lives and works primarily in Springfield Virginia, though she spends her winters at a center for spiritual enlightenment in Lily Dale, NY.
Anne said her work includes healing services, spiritual counseling, and teaching meditation.
Gehman said that people come to her who are interested in learning more about their spiritual gifts and talents, as well as those seeking knowledge of the future.
“I have a gift of prophecy,” she said.
According to Peggy Humphreys who planned the event, Gehman has been a friend for about 30 years.
Humphreys said she decided to host the psychic as part of her summer solstice themed fundraiser, after doing research about ancient summer solstice rituals which included the blessing and lighting of a bonfire to give energy to the sun.
Humphreys said she was pleased with the event’s turnout.
“It was spectacular. It really brought out the community,” she said.
According to David Lillard, Executive Director of CraftWorks, the event was part of a series called ” Taste of Two Rivers” which benefit the art education program at CraftWorks.
The Summer Solstice themed event featured live music by Jay Hurley of O’Hurley’s General Store, and a silent auction for the charity.
According to Humphreys the event raised more than $2500 for CraftWorks.
CraftWorks has upcoming events planned throughout the summer as part of their fundraising series. including movie nights at the Shepherdstown Opera House. More information about CraftWorks can be found at
More information about Anne Gehman can be found at