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Street Fest a success thanks to many locals

By Staff | Jul 1, 2011

As President of Shepherdstown Street Fest, this title doesn’t mean that I worked the hardest; it only means that I lost the coin toss with Chris Stroech.

Thanks to Chris Stroech, David Rosen, Jim Ford, Chris Crawford, Bob Keel, Dee Nichols, Sarah Poland, Bernadine Wright, Bonn Poland, our volunteers, Mayor Auxer, Town Council, the Corporation of Shepherdstown, Chief Ransom and his officers, Frank Welch and the Public Works Department and Chris Hutzler.

Thanks to GrabGreatDeals.com and all of our Platinum, Gold, Silver and Friends sponsors! To the Men’s Club, the Shepherdstown Public Library and Shepherdstown Museum. The restaurants and coffee shops who participated in our raffle, the SBA and our retailers. To the PanTran, Shepherdstown Fire Department, the beer/wine distributors, Jong Hap Mu Sool Martial Arts School and Mark Cucuzzella.

Thanks to our great bands; artisans, food, non-profit and informational vendors; and to the thousands of visitors. Most of all, I’d like to thank the good people of Shepherdstown for extending a warm welcome to our visitors and allowing us to put on a great festival to showcase our town that we love.

See you next year.

The full text of this letter is on Street Fest’s Facebook page.

Lori Robertson

SSF President