Carnival continues through Saturday

Shepherdstown Volunteer Fire Department is holding a carnival until July 23. The carnival is a fundraiser held each summer for the department. (Chronicle photo by Kelly Cambrel)
The Shepherdstown Fire Department annual carnival continues today through July 23. The festivities began earlier this week.
July 22: Fireworks display, final night for silent auction, family ride night annual baked good auction at 7:30 p.m. Donations of baked goods are still being accepted. Please label them so that the auctioneer will know what he is selling and who baked them. For additional information on the auction, contact Judy Pettinger at 304-876-6038 or Sara Morgan at 304-876-2150.
July 23 “Shepherdstown Has Talent” entertainment and family ride night (rain date for fireworks display if needed)
Bingo every evening will pay $100.
For more information, call 304-876-2311 or 304-876-6038.