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Chronicle excels at WVPA awards

By Staff | Aug 12, 2011

MORGANTOWN – The Shepherdstown Chronicle took second place in general excellence in Division 6 the West Virginia Press Association’s 2011 Better Newspaper Contest this past weekend. Division 6 covers weeklies with a circulation of 3,000 or less.

WVPA announced the results of its annual newspaper editorial contest at The Waterfront Hotel Morgantown on Aug. 6, during its annual meeting. West Virginia’s daily and weekly newspapers set records in several of the categories, with several newspapers sweeping contest categories.

Newspapers in Charleston, Martinsburg and Fairmont won the highest awards among dailies. The top weeklies were Hampshire Review, The Record Delta and The Princeton Times winning in their circulation divisions.

Thirty-one of the state’s newspapers placed over 2,000 entries in the contest this year, with the competition divided among six groups three for dailies and three for weeklies according to circulation size. The contest included 28 categories, ranging from news writing, photography and design to community service.

The Photo of the Year award was given to Ron Agnir, photographer at the Journal in Martinsburg, and the Newspaper of the Year, for the sixth year in a row, is the Times West Virginian in Fairmont.

The Chronicle won 17 awards, winning first in the following categories: Best Cartoon (Karen Fitzpatrick), Best Columnist (Maggie Wolff Peterson), Best Headline News, Best In-depth/Investigative Reporting, Best Sports Feature (Tricia Fulks), Best Lifestyles Page and Best Reporting of Governmental Affairs (Tricia Fulks).

The complete list of winners and comments can be found on the WVPA website at www.wvpress.org.