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SFS fall season starts Sept. 2

By Staff | Aug 26, 2011

The Shepherdstown Film Society announced its fall 2011 season, in partnership with Shepherd University’s Scarborough Society.

The fall theme is “Around the World in Four Films.” The movies listed below will be screened in Shepherd University’s Reynolds Hall. Films are screened on Fridays at 7 p.m., with the exception of a special film on Monday, Sept. 26 at 7 p.m.

The schedule is as follows:

Sept. 2 “My Life as a Dog”(1985) by Lasse Hallstrom; Sweden, 101 min. Discussion led by Dr. Rachel Ritterbusch. (preceded by opening reception at War Memorial Building at 5:30 PM)

Sept. 16 “Disgrace”(2008) by Steve Jacobs; South Africa, 119 min. Discussion led by Dr. David Hostetter.

Sept. 26 “Appalachia: A History of Mountains and People, Part Four: Power and Place”(2009) by Ross Spears; 50 min. Presented in conjunction With Shepherd University’s Appalachian Heritage Writer in Residence program.

Oct. 28 “Departures”(2008) byYojiro Takita; Japan, 130 min. Discussion led by Dr. David Gordon.

Nov. 18 “Rabbit-Proof Fence”(2002) by Phillip Noyce; Australia, 94 min. Discussion led by Charles Brown.

The Shepherdstown Film Society is a coalition of interested individuals and organizations dedicated to bringing more quality films to Shepherdstown. The fall film series is made possible though a partnership with Shepherd University’s Scarborough Society and is also supported by Friends of the Shepherdstown Library (FOSL). For more information visit www.shepherdstownfilmsociety.org or contact Lisa Welch at 304-876-1837 or lmwelch@frontiernet.netor Mina Goodrich at 304-876-2159 or LarryMina@aol.com.