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Snell to present on Civil War

By Staff | Sep 2, 2011

Mark Snell (submitted)

CHARLESTON – The West Virginia Humanities Council established its new Sesquicentennial Speakers Bureau to help organizations across the state strengthen their programs related to the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and birth of the Mountain State.

The sesquicentennial period runs 2011 to 2015 and will be marked by observances all over the country. West Virginia, as the lone state created during the period of the Civil War, has much history to consider during the observance.

A Sesquicentennial Speakers Bureau program will be presented 7 p.m., Sept. 20 at the Robert C. Byrd Center for Legislative Studies on the campus of Shepherd University in Shepherdstown. The featured speaker is Mark Snell, director of the Center for the Study of the Civil War at Shephed.

Snell will give a talk titled “The Causes of the Civil War: A Primer.” The Friends of Shepherdstown Library is the local sponsor of the program. The event is free and open to the public.

Snell will discuss the major sectional issues that led to the Civil War, from the nation’s founding through the tumultuous decade of the 1850s to the election of Abraham Lincoln.

For more information about the program call 304-876-2924. Groups interested in scheduling a speaker should contact West Virginia Humanities Council program officer Mark Payne at 304-346-8500 or payne@wvhumanities.org.