Local food topic of Transition Talks
Sustainable Shepherdstown and the Robert C. Byrd Center for Legislative Studies will present the second in a series of “Transition Talks” on Oct. 21 from 7 to 9 p.m. at The Robert Byrd Center at Shepherd University.
The focus of this event will be “Local Food, Sustainable Food.” Presentations will be followed by a networking reception with light refreshments.
Presentations will include the following: Ellen Smith from the Sustainable Shepherdstown Community Garden; a Video featuring Robyn O’Brien, a “Real Food” evangelist; John Gonano from Back Creek Bend Farm; Shepherdstown Elementary School Roots to Shoots students; Douglas Vaira from Dish Restaurant in Charles Town; Maura Baillett from Fresh and Local CSA; and Shepherd Ogden, Agriculture Development Officer of Jefferson County.
The presentation is free and open to the public. For more information visit www.sustainableshepherdstown.org. or call 304-876-1505.