Council approves festival, tree votes
Tuesday the Shepherdstown Town Council voted on the plans for the 2012 Street Fest, a Veterans Memorial tree planting at Cullison Park and recommendations made by the planning commission for changes to Title 9.
Becky Phipps, resident of Rocky Street next Cullison Park gave a presentation regarding the dedication of a Veterans Memorial tree.
Phipps read from a letter she wrote to the town council signed by residents who live near Cullison Park. In the letter, Phipps described the tree as “a living reminder – or memorial – to veterans of U.S. wars, particularly disabled veterans.”
Phipps said she hoped he tree will also remind community members about their role as stewards of the earth.
“We need to be aware and take care of the natural environment,” she said.
The council unanimously voted to approve planting of the tree, pending approval from the tree commission.
Lori Robertson, president of the Shepherdstown Streetfest committee, presented a request for street closings and other arrangements necessary for the 2012 festival. The event is slated for June 30, 2012 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
In her presentation Robertson describe the popularity of the 2011 event.
“We had more people (this year) than I ever expected,” she said.
According to Robertson, this past year’s Street Fest netted $9,600 overall and generated enough for donations to be made to the Shepherdstown Public Library, Hospice of the Panhandle and the Shepherdstown Volunteer Fire Department.
The council unanimously voted to approve the street closures for Street Fest as well as waived the ban prohibiting open alcohol containers.
The council also voted to approve a recommendation from the police committee for a public hearing to be held at the next town council meeting regarding an ordinance that would make cruelty to fowl punishable by law in Shepherdstown.
Councilor Josh Setlla asked that a hunting and training exemption, Section 2E of the ordinance, be removed from the language.
The council unanimously voted to approve the recommendation with the inclusion of the amendment.
The council also voted on recommendations from the planning commission regarding changes to the Title 9 ordinance.
The council voted to approve planning commission recommendations to change town code, Chapter 13 regarding the definition of “boardinghouse” and “short-term rental house.” The council unanimously voted to approve planning commission’s recommendation to adopt Section 9-214 pertaining to the regulation of short-term rental properties. The council unanimously voted to amend chapters of Title 9 pertaining to “preservation related provisions” and fences and screening.
Mayor Jim Auxer also introduced Patrolmen Richard Cooke at the town council Tuesday. Cooke had previously been sworn in.
The next town council meeting is scheduled for Nov. 15 at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall.