Fuss to speak at Shepherdstown church
The Rev. Jerry Fuss will be the guest preacher at the annual Homecoming Service at historic Christ Reformed Church, Shepherdstown, on Sunday, Oct. 16 at 11 a.m.
Gerald D. “Jerry” Fuss was born and raised in Martinsburg and graduated from Martinsburg High School. He attended Catawba College, earning a B.A. degree in Religion and Philosophy in 1970 and later completed a Master of Divinity degree at Yale Divinity School.
Having been nurtured in the fellowship of Christ Reformed Church, UCC, Martinsburg, Fuss was ordained there for Christian Ministry in the United Church of Christ on June 10, 1973. He has served St. John’s Reformed Church, UCC, Middlebrook, Va. (Shenandoah Association), Grace UCC, Taneytown, and Emmanuel (Baust) UCC, Westminster, Md.
Prior to serving as Pastor of Emmanuel (Baust) UCC, Fuss served as Chaplain and director of Pastoral Services at Hoffman Homes for Youth, Gettysburg, Pa. Having served these ministries for a total of 38 years, Fuss retired in August of this year.
Fuss is married to Elizabeth Plume Fuss, also originally from Martinsburg, and also a person who began her Christian nurture in Christ Reformed Church, Martinsburg. Friends and former members of the parish often return to Shepherdstown for this annual service. All are invited to remain following worship for a covered dish luncheon. Christ Church is located at 304 E. German St. in Shepherdstown.