"The theme for the parade will be the same as the theme for the 250th anniversary: 'Remember, Celebrate, Imagine."/>
"The theme for the parade will be the same as the theme for the 250th anniversary: 'Remember, Celebrate, Imagine."/> Calling all parade participants | News, Sports, Jobs - Shepherdstown Chronicle
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Calling all parade participants

By Staff | Oct 20, 2011

The organizers of this year’s Christmas in Shepherdstown parade have put out a call for everyone to participate in the event, which will be held at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, December 3.

“This year’s parade is really special,” said co-chair Meredith Wait, “because it’s part of the kick-off of the town’s 250th anniversary celebration. We want it to be the grandest parade we’ve ever had, and everyone is invited to get involved and be part of it.”

“The theme for the parade will be the same as the theme for the 250th anniversary: ‘Remember, Celebrate, Imagine.’ This translates in to remembering the past, celebrating the present and imagining the future. So get the creative juices flowing and join our parade! It can be as simple as walking with a sign, dressing in period costume or decorating a wagon. Organizations, businesses, families, groups and individuals are all welcome to join in.”

For more information about the parade go toshepherdstownparade@yahoo.com

For more information about this year’s Christmas in Shepherdstown activities go towww.christmasinshepherdstown.com.

For more information about the 250th anniversary celebration go towww.shepherdstown250.com.

Parade form will also be available at Shepherdstown Visitor’s Center, Shepherdstown Town Hall and Shepherdstown Public Library. Or go online at www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/Iea8C1bvcznf3J0N9P to submit the form.