Rotary honors Meredith Wait

Shepherdstown small business owner Meredith Wait receives the Rotary Club's Vocational Service Award. The award was presented to Wait at the group's breakfast Tuesday, Oct. 18. (submitted)
The Shepherdstown Rotary Club has presented its annual Vocational Service Award to local businesswoman Meredith Wait.
The award is given each fall to an outstanding community member who embodies values and principles that exemplify Rotary values, especially service above self.
The club’s Vocational Service Committee Chair Tom Trumble made the presentation to Wait at the club’s Oct. 18 weekly breakfast meeting at the Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown.
Trumble said the leadership Wait has provided to the town’s business sector and her overall service to community have been exemplary.
Wait has been president of the Shepherdstown Business Association since 2007. She was previously president from 1990 – 1992.
She is also chairing the committee that is planning the town’s 250th anniversary celebration, having been tapped for this post early last year by Mayor Jim Auxer.
Wait’s family moved to Jefferson County when she was a teenager, and she graduated from Jefferson High School in 1976. Afterwards, she attended Hollins University in Virginia and the University of Connecticut at Danbury.
She has been a small business owner in Shepherdstown for 24 years, beginning with a graphic design business. She and her partner Debbie Dickinson just celebrated 21 years of owning the Dickinson & Wait Craft Gallery on German Street.