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Council approves events, allocates project money

By Staff | Feb 16, 2018

Town Council met Tuesday at its regularly scheduled monthly meeting.

Several familiar events were approved for the upcoming spring months. Approved events include Shepherd University Relay for Life, April 6; Shepherd University annual produce drop, April 21; the American Odyssey Relay, April 27-28; Dog Fest, April 28-29; May Day Parade and Dance, May 5; and the Back Alley Garden Tour, May 19-20. Council had the first reading of an ordinance regarding the purchase, consumption, sale, possession or service of alcoholic beverages and furnishing alcoholic beverages to underage persons. There’s already state law on the matter, but this ordinance will allow the Shepherdstown Police Department to deal with infractions more easily on a municipal level.

“We have an ordinance which restricts a minor from going into an establishment and purchasing liquor underage – also purchasing liquor from a licensee for somebody else that’s underage,” said Police Chief Michael King. “But this relates more to providing liquor to underage persons at private parties, rather than establishments. We’ve had some issues with that lately.”

The second reading of the ordinance will take place at March’s Town Council meeting. If there are no objections, it will be approved and adopted.

Due to recent vandalism problems at the water and sewer plants, Town Council approved the allocation of $37 thousand in unallocated video lottery money to be used for the purchase of real-time security cameras that officers will be able to monitor with their phones. Cameras will also be placed in front of Town Hall to establish a “safe zone.”

A suggestion for an additional allocation of money was made to replace the lights on the bridge going from Shepherdstown into Maryland. The state of West Virginia is supposed to maintain the bridge and replace the broken lights, but after continual requests and three years of waiting, council members approved the expenditure of approximately $25 thousand to replace the lights. The approval is contingent upon the state agreeing to replace the lamps if the town purchases them. The new lights will be the same ones that are on Shepherd’s campus; they’re dark sky-approved and contain no breakable glass.

Town Council meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall, 104 N. King St. More information can be found at www.shepherdstown.us.