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Kiwanis club holds benefit auction

By Staff | May 18, 2018

Toni Milbourne/Chronicle Guest auctioneer Densil Nibert works to increase bids on each item while Miss Jefferson County Outstanding Teen Katelin Bocchetti assists with showcasing items.

It was a successful night Friday for the Shepherdstown Kiwanis Club as it hosted its 15th annual Children’s Benefit Auction at Wildwood Middle School.

Attended by many eager bidders, the event garnered more than $3,500, which will be used by the Kiwanis Club to support and encourage area youth through multiple organizations.

Most of the fundraising efforts benefit those youth in the Club’s sponsored leadership programs, which include the Circle K of Shepherd University, the Key Club of Jefferson High School, The Builders Club of Wildwood Middle School and the K-Kids of T.A. Lowery Elementary School. The Kiwanis Club also supports the Shepherdstown Day Care Center, the Eastern Panhandle Care Pregnancy Center and the Jefferson County 4-H Association, as well as presenting an annual scholarship to a local high school student who plans to attend Shepherd University. That scholarship is given in memory of Kiwanis Charter Member Paul M. Saab.

The Club’s efforts don’t stop with local philanthropy-it also supports the Children’s Miracle Network Center Operation Christmas Child, Relay for Life and the Kiwanis International project, ELIMINATE-striving to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus around the globe by paring with UNICEF.

The auction spanned two hours of live bidding as auctioneer Densil Nibert donated his services to facilitate the event. Assisting him in showcasing the auction items was Miss Jefferson County Outstanding Teen Katelin Bocchetti.

Among items on the auction block were various flowering baskets, several name-brand purses and performance tickets at such venues as Sight and Sound, the America Shakespeare Center and Shepherd University. Sports fans bid on season tickets for Shepherd Universitymen’s and women’s basketball and a season pass for admission into all Jefferson High School sporting events for the next school year.

A week-long beach vacation at Surfside Beach Resort received top dollar, at $1,100. Baskets filled with WVU goodies, gift cards and candles, wine and artwork were all available.

The Kiwanis Club of Shepherdstown was chartered on July 11, 1978, and members meet the second and fourth Thursdays at Christ Reformed Church on E. German Street in Shepherdstown. The group is always looking for new members. Those interested in community service and great fellowship can contact Adele Knott at 304-870-2184.