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Shepherdstown Elementary School raises money for Relay for Life

By Staff | May 25, 2018

Tabitha Johnston/Chronicle Melissa Buck, a Shepherdstown Elementary School kindergarten teacher, decides whether to buy a T-shirt from one of the 14 vendors during the school’s Relay for Life sale Saturday.

Shepherdstown Elementary School’s Relay for Life team hosted a craft and vendor sale at the school Saturday to raise money for Relay for Life programs and cancer research.

Fourteen craft exhibitors and vendors sold items in the school gym, while eight exhibitors sold yard sale items in other rooms and the hallway leading up to the gym. Donated items filled some tables, the entire proceeds of which went to Relay for Life.

“We bought some good toys – building blocks and DVDs and CDs,” said Jim Frost, of Idaho, who visited the event with a friend from Martinsburg. “I have a whole room at home for the grandkids to play in.”

Frost’s friend ended up buying a winter coat and a robot for one of her grandchildren at the yard sale.

First-grade teacher Casey Frazier was selling items from the brand Thirty-One at the event.

“Cancer does affect everyone sometime in their lives,” said Frazier. “Both of my grandfathers died of cancer, and that was originally why I became involved with Relay for Life.”

Frazier was the school’s Relay for Life team captain for about nine years, and helped at Saturday’s event by organizing the exhibitors within the gym.

Jefferson High School outgoing freshman Savannah Jamison sold hot dogs at the event with a friend while her mom, Annette, manned a yard sale table in the next room.

“I offered to help – I just like helping,” said Savannah Jamison.

“She goes to Relay for Life events with me and helps me set up,” said Annette Jamison, who is the elementary school’s office clerk and a Relay for Life team captain. She said this is the first year the team has included crafters and vendors in the sale.

“Right now, we’re just trying to come up with new ideas of getting the community and our staff involved to raise money for our Relay for Life team,” she said.

For Annette, the event is personal. Her mother and mother-in-law both died from cancer, which was the reason she joined the team.

“I want to raise as much money as we can, because you don’t know what your future will bring,” she said. “I’d like to see one day where every cancer was cured.”