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Shepherdstown Kiwanis Club’s chili dinner hits the spot on a chilly night

By Staff | Nov 30, 2018

Hungry folks gathered to enjoy the Kiwanis Club's chili and cornbread dinner at the Shepherdstown Community Club Friday evening. Photo by Toni Milbourne.

SHEPHERDSTOWN — The annual tradition of starting off the Christmas in Shepherdstown with chili and cornbread continued on Friday evening, as the Shepherdstown Kiwanis Club once again hosted their chili and cornbread dinner.

According to SKC Treasurer Margaret Walker, a portion of the funds raised by the dinner will be donated to the Jefferson High School K-Kids or Key Club members. The Key Club is a youth affiliate of Kiwanis.

At the event, a raffle was held, featuring a variety of items for attendees to take home if their ticket was the lucky one.

“The money raised from the raffle table will be donated in memory of Robert Thatcher to the Shepherdstown Public Library’s Children’s Department,” Walker said.

Thatcher, a beloved member of the community, passed away on Oct. 25 of this year.

Kiwanis is an international community service organization, which focuses on encouraging neighborhood fellowship and assisting children around the world.

Along with to fundraising for Kiwanis International and various local charitable endeavors, the local club provides an annual scholarship for a Jefferson High School graduate.

In addition to the annual chili and cornbread dinner, the group holds an auction later in the year. They also provide guidance to members of the Jefferson High School Key Club, who helped with the dinner, by providing hot chocolate and cookies for purchase outside of the Shepherdstown Library during the tree lighting ceremony. Student volunteers manned the booth along with their Kiwanis counterparts.

Walker said the club is looking for new members and said that her helper at the raffle table during Friday evenings festivities, Donna Joy, will soon become a member.

“We’re trying to grow the club,” Walker said, mentioning being a member of the club can be rewarding. “It’s fun and enjoyable working with those who share the same interest in helping our community.”

For more information on the Shepherdstown Kiwanis Club membership, or how to support the club in other ways, contact SKC Secretary Adele Knott at 304-258-9135.