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Shepherdstown Visitors Center seeks input, volunteers for future events

By Staff | Jul 5, 2019

Two dogs race to the finish line in a race course set up behind McMurran Hall during this year's DogFest celebration. Tabitha Johnston

SHEPHERDSTOWN — While many people in Shepherdstown are active in service organizations and volunteering opportunities around the area, few may be aware of the needs of at least one local organization for volunteers and input.

The Shepherdstown Visitors Center’s Events Committee heads up BooFest, DogFest and Christmas in Shepherdstown events every year, but this year, the committee has realized its need for more participants in its community events. According to new Event Committee co-chairs Diane Fulton and Sandy Brown, the organization can use assistance in a number of areas throughout the year.

“I think people are totally unaware of the work that goes into these events,” Brown said on Thursday afternoon. “About a year ago, we opened our Events Committee up to the community. At the time, we reached out to local businesses, a few of which became regulars at our monthly meetings.

“We also want the community, not just the businesses, to be part of our meetings. We want the people of Shepherdstown to give input and if they’d like, to contribute to our events,” Brown said. “We have so many fun things that go on in town, and you know there must be people who want to do this. There’s so much work that goes into things that people don’t see. It’s so labor intensive.”

According to Fulton, volunteers can be used for a variety of tasks, from manning craft tables to helping decorate the town for the holidays. A Google document has been developed, https://goo.gl/forms/ksD43OLPGnTvN1FD2, which those who may be interested in volunteering can sign. Signing the Google document is not committing to doing anything for the Events Committee, but it will help the committee to identify people who may be able to help staff an event.

“We have wonderful volunteers, but they’re stretched very thin. There are so many talented people in this town, and if you’d like to help decorate or donate your time in another way, please sign the document,” Fulton said. “We’re not talking for hours a week, we’re talking about what time you can give. One hour at a time.

“I did Christmas in Shepherdstown last year, and I realized then that I could have used help,” Fulton said. “These projects, if you don’t have volunteers, they’re overwhelming. Anybody who’s interested, I’d be happy to meet with them and talk with them. We want these events to not just be about bringing in people, but showcasing our town and businesses.”

To contact the Events Committee or to learn the date for the next meeting, email Brown at sandygone@hotmail.com.