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Shepherdstown Farmers Market to match donations to SCC

By Staff | Feb 7, 2020


SHEPHERDSTOWN — During their annual meeting in January, the members of the Shepherdstown Farmers Market decided that they wanted to give back to the organization that has helped them make their Winter Market possible.

The Winter Market is being held every-other-Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the War Memorial Building. As a way of thanking the Shepherdstown Community Club for their support of the market, a donation jar for the SCC will be present throughout the rest of the Winter Market, which will end when the outdoor market resumes on March 29. The market will match each donation, for up to $500, according to market member Inge Ledden, of Cottage of Herbs.

“We have only a small building charge – a minimal fee, and we want to give them more money. We’re very grateful, and this is our appreciation,” Ledden said. “We want to give back to the community, we want to give back to the Shepherdstown Community Club, because of letting us set up our winter market in the building for January, February and March.

“The community club has taken on a big project with Morgan’s Grove Park. They really need the community’s support, and this is a way to do that,” Ledden said, mentioning the SCC may use the proceeds to care for the park or for the War Memorial Building. “This is what we can do, to show them that the community knows they need them.

“The money comes from our yearly dues and proceeds from the Farm to Fork dinner. The Farm to Fork dinner is our only money that we make, because we have advertising and things that we have to pay for,” Ledden said, mentioning the market has made donations after every annual meeting to Shepherdstown-based organizations in need. “We don’t want to keep the money – we want to put it back into the community.”

Although the market members were uncertain of how much the Winter Market would be supported when it was started at the beginning of last month, Ledden said the response has positively reflected community members’ desire for fresh produce throughout the year.

“It’s been very busy, which is very good. We’ve been so surprised by the support — and that’s what this whole town does, they come out and support each other,” Ledden said, mentioning this support is one reason they wanted to hold this fundraising drive for the SCC. “For us, this doesn’t make it a hard choice for us to do.”

The next Winter Market will be on Feb. 16.