Badge-worthy: Daisy Troop visits yoga studio to learn about respect
“We learned about how to respect our bodies with yoga movement and self-care,” said troop leader Angelina Gray.
Through a 45-minute Mommy and Me class, the Daisy Scouts were able to practice yoga moves and share their thoughts on respect.
“I asked the girls first, if they had ever done yoga, and what their favorite pose was. If they had not, I asked them their favorite animals, because many poses are named after animals,” Mueller said.
The Daisy scouts have been working to complete their Respect Myself and Others badge, by first doing some work at home before going to the yoga studio. Once there, they discussed what respect means, both to oneself and to others. Some ideas that surfaced for respecting oneself included taking care of physical needs, such as bathing and brushing teeth. Respect for others included talking about being on time and not interrupting others.
“The yoga portion was a wonderful way to learn about their bodies,” Gray said. “It helped focus on making our bodies strong, respecting ourselves and breathing.”
While teaching children’s yoga is not her specialty, Mueller had a wonderful experience with the troop.
“It’s an honor to be able to work with a younger population,” Mueller said. “It’s a great time right now to keep the mentality of respect going.”
The Daisy Scouts earn petals to make up a full flower, Gray explained. Each petal is representative of one line of the Girl Scout Law. Completing the petals helps build a foundation for the girls as they advance through Scouting and life.
According to Gray, Troop 15099 began in September. Since then, they have worked to complete a number of petal badges.
“The girls earned a Democracy for Daisies badge at election time, which was an appropriate time. They learned from a five-year-old perspective,” Gray said, mentioning that as part of earning the badge, the girls toured Shepherdstown and discussed local, state and national leadership.
“The take action part was voting. The girls voted on what they will do with their cookie money,” Gray said, mentioning their final decision was to spend their funds on a spring trip to the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Md.
The Girl Scout Cookie Sale is on the horizon for the troop, during which they will learn about entrepreneurship and gain their What is Money badge.