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Potomac Trading Company moves location, plans name change

By Tabitha Johnston - Chronicle Staff | Jun 18, 2021

Potomac Trading Company owner Philip Wenner, right, waits on longtime customer Maia Batt-Bickey on Saturday afternoon. Tabitha Johnston

SHEPHERDSTOWN — Potomac Trading Company originally opened right on the outskirts of Shepherdstown, at 7330 Martinsburg Pike, in 2013. But, as of this weekend, it has officially taken up residents right in the heart of the town, at 107 West German Street.

“The building we were renting was being sold,” said owner Philip Wenner, mentioning the move began about three weeks ago. “This building was available, and was exactly what we wanted.”

According to Wenner, along with changing locations, the business will no longer be including pawning in its business model. Before purchasing a sign for the building’s front entrance, Wenner also intends to change the business’ name, to distinguish the business from another bearing the same name.

“Shepherdstown is really lively — it’s walkable, there’s community, there’s restaurants, there’s tourism — so moving to German Street seemed like a great decision for us,” Wenner said.

For those unfamiliar with the business, Wenner described it as “a hybrid thing,” as it includes a variety of used and new collector’s items, sneakers, clothes and electronics. The business features a handy side to it, as it also features electronic repair work. Wenner either personally conducts the repairs or outsources them, on a case-by-case basis. If something is beyond repair, Wenner helps the item’s owner salvage the item’s valuable parts for resale.

Kearneysville resident Mitchell Hyatt talks with Alex Stevens in Potomac Trading Company's new location on Saturday afternoon. Tabitha Johnston

“I’m trying to identify where are the gaps in the market,” Wenner explained, regarding his varied business model. “This is not a Walmart thing — I’m deeply committed to my customers.”

Kearneysville resident Mitchell Hyatt swears by the quality of the business’ repair work, based upon years of satisfactory service.

“I’ve been working with Phil since 2016, and there’s not been anything he hasn’t fixed. His work is good,” Hyatt said, mentioning one of the electronic pieces Wenner fixed for him was his Playstation 4. “I’m always trying to refer him to somebody!”

According to 2021 Jefferson High School graduate and fellow longtime customer Maia Batt-Bickey, the business has become her go-to place to get reasonably priced electronics and electronic repairs. And, now that the business has moved into town, she hopes more people will become aware of its services.

“It’s nice that he’s in town,” Batt-Bickey said. “In his prior location, not everyone knew about him. Phil’s really fair and reasonable, so I love that more people will get to know him and his business.”

Potomac Trading Company's new location is at 106 West German Street. Tabitha Johnston

Currently, the business is open Mondays through Fridays, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. More information about the business can be found on its Facebook page, at https://www.facebook.com/Potomac-Trading-Company-1645538489022176/.