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Commissioners table possible action on personnel matters

By Toni Milbourne - For the Chronicle | Oct 22, 2021

CHARLES TOWN — At a special meeting of the Jefferson County Commission on Oct. 15, the five leaders in Jefferson County discussed, mostly in executive session, the potential fate of at least one county employee.

The meeting, original requested by Commissioner Clare Ath, following public comment concerns and postings on a local watchdog social media site regarding some county employees, was called to order and immediately closed to the public due to the nature of the discussions.

Ath explained she requested the meeting to find out more about allegations that county finance director Michelle Gordon had misused funds in 2013 when she served as the finance director for the City of Hagerstown.

Jefferson County Perspective brought the issue to the public eye on their Facebook page, while at the same time, calling for an investigation into the actions of County Administrator Stephanie Grove, who had hired Gordon.

“One of my highest priorities as a county commissioner is to make sure that the voices of Jefferson County are heard here on the commission,” Ath said. “We have a duty to the people, to not only serve the public but to serve with integrity and transparency. That is why I called for a special session to address personnel matters related to the county administrator and county finance director.”

Following nearly three hours in closed session, the commissioners emerged as Commissioner Tricia Jackson made a motion to discharge Grove from her duties, effective Nov. 12. Ath seconded the motion; however, the two could not garner support and the motion failed with a 2-3 vote.

Commission president Steve Stolipher indicated his desire to table the matter until Oct. 21 at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the governing body. That motion passed with a 3-2 vote, allowing the matter to come back before the commissioners and the public. Both Jackson and Ath were opposed to tabling the matter.

“During (Friday’s) special session, I voted to remove County Administrator Stephanie Grove in a 2-3 decision, alongside Commissioner Jackson,” Ath said in a public Facebook post. “The motion failed but will be brought up again for discussion at our next regular meeting on Oct. 21. It is time we stop avoiding the inevitable. There is mismanagement within the county that cannot continue.”

Commissioner Jane Tabb made it clear she would not vote to terminate Grove.

“I feel Ms. Grove has been an excellent county administrator,” Tabb said. “There is always room for improvement with anyone, but she has a job that is hard for any one human person to accomplish.”

Jackson also made a public statement via her official commission Facebook page.

“In reviewing the performance of our current County Administrator, brought on board by a previous administration, I have come to the conclusion that we can and must do better,” Jackson opined.

“The decisions being made [by the current administrator] are not good,” Jackson added. “They amount to mismanagement, and I believe that it would be a dereliction of duty to continue to overlook the risks, exposure and costs that are being borne by the taxpayers.

“It is my sincere hope that at the Oct. 21 meeting the motion will be reconsidered and that it will pass,” she concluded.

No reference was made in public session regarding Gordon.

Stolipher, on Tuesday, declined to comment, saying only that the matter was tabled.