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‘Mr. M’s Notebook’: Local author completes final work in trilogy

By Tabitha Johnston - Chronicle Staff | Oct 29, 2021

John Splaine’s complete trilogy is now available for purchase at Four Seasons Books and online. Courtesy photo

SHEPHERDSTOWN — When Shepherdstown resident John Splaine began thinking back over his days as a high school teacher in New Hampshire and Maryland, he couldn’t help but be creatively inspired by his memories. Those memories began taking on new life in 2014, as Splaine started writing the first book in the fictional trilogy, “Mr. M’s Notebook.”

After seven years of hard work, Splaine has now completed that trilogy, with the book, “Mr. M’s Notebook: Memorial High.” The previous two books were subtitled “Bailey High” and “High School,” respectively.

“I have been an educator for over 50 years, and wanted to illustrate the important issues that teachers handle every day,” Splaine said, mentioning he has also taught on the collegiate level. “I hope this trilogy helps to explain some of what teachers do and have done over the years.

“There are certain issues in education and society that fiction can highlight,” Splaine said, explaining the trilogy is not autobiographical. “The novel traces the teaching and personal life of the fictional Mark Blenchard who taught in Bailey T. S. Memorial High School from 1970 to 2021. The story illustrates the times in which Blenchard taught and the issues he and his students confronted in the classroom and society at large. Teachers and students are portrayed in the book through vignettes.”

Splaine has a B.A. and M.A. in history from the University of New Hampshire and a doctorate in education from Boston University.

According to Splaine, the subject matter ranges from serious to humorous, and can engage a wide audience, in spite of its specificity.

“Educators, parents and any citizen who thinks about educational issues and their societal implications could find this book of value,” Splaine said. “Those who have read books one and two have indicated that they find the books thought-provoking.”

While the books in this trilogy were not the first books he has published, they are his first works of fiction.

“Because I had written books before, I was aware of the difficulty,” Splaine said, regarding the challenges he faced in finishing “Mr. M’s Notebook.” “I wrote and revised every day to complete the trilogy. I feared that if I stopped for a while that I might, indeed, stop. Therefore, I just kept writing.”

While the final book in the trilogy was made available for purchase this month, Splaine plans to wait a couple more months before holding any events in celebration of his completed work.

“I am planning on readings in the Four Seasons Books in December of 2021,” Splaine said.

The complete trilogy is available for purchase at Four Seasons Books, as well as online. Visit Four Seasons Books’ Facebook page and website to learn when the “Mr. M’s Notebook: Memorial High” readings will be held.