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Thinking caps on!: Input sought from public for school calendar

By Toni Milbourne - For the Chronicle | Dec 24, 2021

CHARLES TOWN — Jefferson County School officials are seeking public input on the 2022-2023 school year calendar.

At a recent meeting, Jefferson County Schools agreed to put the upcoming school year calendar out to the public through Dec. 27. The proposed calendar, according to attendance coordinator Devon Pearell, had been out for review by the public, prior to Jefferson County Schools’ recent meeting, but received no comments at the time of Pearell speaking to the Jefferson County Board of Education members.

Putting the calendar out for public review gives everyone who wishes to peruse it and make suggestions the ability to do so. It lists all holidays, proposed faculty senate days and planned early releases, as well as the first and last days planned for the school year.

Currently, according to the proposed calendar, the opening day for students will fall on Aug. 22, 2022, while employees will return on Aug. 15. The final day of the school year, for students, will be May 26, 2023.

Holiday closures include Labor Day on Sept. 5, 2022, Nov. 11 for Veterans Day, a Thanksgiving break from Nov. 21-25, a winter holiday break to include a two-hour early release on Dec. 22, with students returning Jan. 3. Martin Luther King Day will be observed with a closure on Jan. 16.

In addition, faculty senate days are planned for Oct. 14, and for early dismissal for students on Feb. 17 and April 28. Professional development days fall on Feb. 20 and March 13. Spring break dates are currently proposed for April 3-10.

Note that school is also closed, according to the proposed calendar, on Nov. 8, 2022, for the general election.

The current calendar sets graduations for the Class of 2022 on May 21, 2023.

Those interested in making comments on the proposed calendar should visit the Jefferson County Board of Education website, www.jcswv.org.