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Homeland Security office provides hints for winter safety

By Toni Milbourne - For the Chronicle | Jan 7, 2022

SHEPHERDSTOWN — Despite unseasonably mild temperatures during the recent holiday season, the mercury has begun to fall and winter will be rearing its ugly head. In an effort to help individuals be prepared for dealing with those dropping temperatures, the Jefferson County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management has shared tips to make sure residents are not caught unaware.

While it is essential to be prepared for whatever types of weather may arise, it is key to know what different types of precipitation are and how warnings and advisories are defined.

When defining terms via their recent newsletter, the first thing indicated, if one is under a winter storm warning, one should find shelter right away.

Issued when hazardous winter weather is in the form of heavy snow, heaving freezing rain, or heavy sleet is imminent, the warnings are usually issued within 12 to 24 hours before an event is expected to begin.

Less serious, but still one over which to take heed is the winter storm watch. Watches, usually issued 12 to 48 hours before the possibility of a blizzard, heavy snow, heavy freezing rain or heavy sleet, give individuals time to prepare for what is still potential weather rather than impending.

A winter weather advisory is issued for accumulations of snow, freezing rain, freezing drizzle, and sleet which will cause significant inconveniences and, if caution is not exercised, could lead to worse situations.

Freezing rain is rain that freezes when it hits the ground, which then in turn creates a coating of ice. This is different from sleet that is rain, which turns to ice pellets before reaching the ground; however, sleet can also cause moisture on the roadways to freeze and become slippery.

The time to plan for any of these potential winter occurrences is before they happen. It is essential to be prepared in case one loses power, water or heat sources.

Basic items to sustain a family, include at least one gallon of water per-person per-day, for a three-day minimum supply. Additional water will be needed for food preparation, and a minimum three-day supply of non-perishable food items should be on hand — for both humans and their non-human friends. One should not forget about pets.

One should also consider special dietary needs such as baby food and infant formula. Having a hand operated can opener is suggested in case of a power outage. The same can be said for having flashlights, cell phone chargers and radios that operate on batteries as well as having a sufficient supply of batteries for each.

Individuals should be prepared with a first aid kit and over-the-counter medications as well as making sure that all prescription drugs are filled, in case travel is limited.

Extra blankets and warm clothing should be on hand. Carry some in the car, as well as having extra stocked at home, just in case a storm inhibits reaching home. Stock up on ice melt or rock salt to clear sidewalks or to provide traction. Shovels for snow removal are also something that should be readily available.

Should exposure occur, one should be familiar with symptoms of such ailments as frostbite and hypothermia.

Frostbite causes loss of feeling and color around the face, fingers and toes. Numbness, white or grayish-yellow skin can appear firm or waxy. If one fears frostbite, he should go to a warm room, soak in warm water and use body heat to warm. Do not massage or use a heating pad.

Hypothermia is an unusually low body temperature–one below 95 degrees constitutes an emergency. Symptoms include shivering, exhaustion, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss, slurred speech or drowsiness.

One should go to a warm room and begin to warm the center of the body first–the chest, neck, head and groin. Keep dry and wrapped in warm blankets, including the head and neck. Seek additional medical attention, if necessary.