A work of art: Grodzicki exhibit on display at South Jefferson Public Library

Johanna Grodzicki stands before some paintings of birds that are part of her current art exhibit at South Jefferson Public Library. Toni Milbourne
SUMMIT POINT — “I color well,” said Johanna Grodzicki, referring to her artistic ability. The Jefferson County artist has a display of her paintings that is currently being shown at the South Jefferson Public Library meeting room, through the end of March.
The exhibit, the 91st in the library’s series of Art in the Library, highlights Grodzicki’s ability to capture the intricacies of nature.
According to Grodzicki, her father was a political cartoonist, but as she grew up, she was told to study music, not art. Although she started out in the artistic world on the musical side of the spectrum, she later switched her focus to journalism. She has continued learning throughout her life, taking advantage of every opportunity to study different things, including her eventual study of art.
“I wanted to emulate what I knew, from observing others in my family,” she said, mentioning she took a water color class and continued creating art after that. “As in all endeavors, patience and practice, practice, practice and more practice are mandatory.”
“To me, birds are amazing creatures, so I began there. Next, I tried landscapes — again, what fun!” she said.
Many of the pieces on display at the library exhibit are ink drawings, although some are watercolor or acrylic.
“I love art. I see things differently than everyone else,” Grodzicki said, explaining that anything on paper can be turned to art. “You just need to add the layers that you see.”
Through art, Grodzicki says she can see the world how she wants it to be.
“Calm, pretty, relaxing, enjoyable — if you can see that even for a few seconds and it brings you peace, then the next time you will look longer,” she said. “Don’t look for the evil in the world, look for the good.”
Grodzicki said she works intensively on her art, often finishing a piece within an hour or two.
“I know how I want it to look,” she said.
The public is welcome to view Grodzicki’s work at the library through April 30. Pieces are available for purchase, along with prints and cards.
The library is located at 49 Church Street in Summit Point. Hours are Mondays through Thursdays, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and Sundays, from 1-5 p.m. For more information, contact the library at 304-725-6227 or visit www.sojeffersonlibrary.com.