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Early voting now open in Jefferson County

By Toni Milbourne - For the Chronicle | Apr 29, 2022

Early voting in Jefferson County will be held on the second floor of Charles Washington Hall. Courtesy photo

SHEPHERDSTOWN — Voters in West Virginia can vote for the candidates of their choice during early voting hours began on Wednesday.

Voters in Jefferson County have a change in venue for early voting this election. Rather than vote in the Jefferson County Courthouse as in previous years, voters will instead be congregating across the street from the courthouse, on the second floor of Charles Washington Hall.

Following the last election in Jefferson County, county commissioners began discussing the potential of adding an additional early voting location due to the long lines experienced at the Jefferson County Courthouse. To add or change a location, a consensus on said location would have to be reached by members of both the Republican and the Democratic executive committees.

Discussions of having a location outside of the center of Charles Town were thwarted, when the committees could not reach agreements on any of the proposed locations. Instead, the decision was made to simply relocate to Charles Washington Hall, which has more space.

“The room is much larger and can accommodate more than twice the number of voters,” Jefferson County Clerk Jacki Shadle said on Monday. For that reason, and to hopefully diminish the long lines, the Jefferson County Commission voted to change the early voting location.

“The stairs may be an issue for some,” Shadle said. “However, there is an elevator.”

Hours of early voting for Jefferson are from 9 a.m to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Early voting ends on May 7.