Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce holds mixer at Summit Point Motorsport Park

Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce members talk together, in between looking at race cars at Summit Point Motorsport Park on June 14. Ainsley Hall
SUMMIT POINT — Every second Tuesday of the month, the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce holds a mixer to help people and businesses build connections and take a break from their busy lives.
On June 14, the JCCC held its mixer at the Summit Point Motorsports Park.
Attendees walked around, looking at some of the cars at the park and learning about how they work. They also had the opportunity to ride around the racetrack at 110 miles per hour. They could learn more about the track and the history behind the motorsports park as they drove around the track.
Members also had a chance to win a special prize. Gift certificates were given as raffle prizes that could be used to attend events at the motorsports park.
JCCC Vice President Patricia Sherwood said the mixer is all about helping people build relationships with other businesses.
“Networking builds relationships, and relationships build businesses” Sherwood said.
Sherwood works as a realtor, so her business relies on making relationships and connecting with others.
“I’ve always been big on networking,” Sherwood said. “People are really friendly, and people make this place a great place to live.”
Many business people come to the mixers, not just to make connections and build relationships, but to make time to relax and have fun. They often have busy schedules, so making time to have a good time is important for both their businesses and their health.
Every month there is a new host for the event who provides food and drinks and plans other activities for the attendees. Each event attracts different people, meaning there is always an opportunity to meet someone new or to continue to build already existing relationships with.
According to JCCC Executive Director Heather Mcintyre, she works to keep things organized and helps plan the mixers that many chamber members attend.
“Sometimes it’s like herding cats,” Mcintyre said.
Despite all the work that goes into these mixers, they provide great opportunities for networking and give members a break from work.
“We like to eat, drink and be merry,” Mcintyre said.