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Beautifully bazaar: Annual art gallery fundraiser supports animal welfare in Jefferson County

By Tabitha Johnston - Chronicle Staff | Sep 1, 2022

Ruth Barb, of Shepherdstown, browses through some home goods at the annual Bridge Gallery August Art Bazaar on Saturday afternoon. Tabitha Johnston

SHEPHERDSTOWN — One weekend every August, Shepherdstown resident Kathryn Burns transforms her business space, The Bridge Gallery, from an art gallery into an art bazaar, with the help of community residents, who donate their time and “art items” to be sold in the August Art Bazaar.

According to Burns, the event has been held every year since she bought the business, about 15 years ago.

“We were mostly outdoors, over the last two years, but we did it!” Burns said, regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic’s effect on the event. “We managed to keep it going.”

Burns noted that the bazaar’s success was “not really” impacted by the pandemic, although the pandemic did impact the fundraiser in another, less expected, way this year.

“This year, we really got a lot of things [to sell]. During the pandemic, a lot of people were clearing out their garages and clearing out their homes, so they had more to donate when the bazaar came around this year,” Burns said, mentioning the donated items included art, art supplies, antiques, rugs, books, jewelry and unique items. “People have been so generous! It’s been wonderful.”

Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson County board member Rich Clawson, left, looks at some of the Christmas decorations being sold at the bazaar with his wife, Jane Clawson, at The Bridge Gallery on Saturday afternoon. Tabitha Johnston

This year’s August Art Bazaar was held over this past weekend, with a good turnout from the local community.

“Our first day has already been very busy,” Burns said. “We probably sold about half of what we had already!”

Proceeds from this year’s sale were donated to the Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson County, which will also be the recipient of the lower value items that didn’t sell in the bazaar.

“What happens is, what’s left after this, some of them I’ll keep for next year, and then the rest will go on to an indoor yard sale for AWS in Charles Town in September, so it goes on for another sale,” Burns said. “The higher end items, the original art, the things I didn’t want to see go for a dollar or two . . . the better pieces I will try to keep for next year.”

Rich Clawson and Janet Bailey were the two board members representing the Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson County at the bazaar, answering questions about the 501c3 charitable organization and helping shoppers in need of assistance.

Leslie Williams, of Shepherdstown, browses through the jewelry on sale at the annual Bridge Gallery August Art Bazaar, as bazaar volunteer Laura Johnson looks on, Saturday afternoon. Tabitha Johnston

“The proceeds from this event are different every year — last year, I believe this event brought in $4,000. But there’s more to it than just the dollar [that we benefit from],” Clawson said. “The dollars are always nice, but the recognition and letting the community know what we do is equally important.”

According to Clawson, proceeds from the bazaar will be used to cover the organization’s shelter’s expenses and pay for the spay/neuter coupons that are given to help community members pay to have their pets spayed or neutered.

“People can come in and request a coupon, if they want to have their pets spayed or neutered. They take the coupon to their vet, and the vet will submit the coupon to us, for a payment,” Clawson said of the program. “Whatever is collected today, all goes right to our funds to care for the animals. There’s no administrative expenses added onto it — it all 100 percent benefits Jefferson County’s animals.”

The Bridge Gallery owner Kathryn Burns, right, talks with Purcellville, Va. resident Amanda Perez, center, and Shepherdstown resident Fran Skiles, during the August Art Bazaar on Saturday afternoon. Tabitha Johnston