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Annual Spring Fling fundraiser continues to support maintenance of historic church building

By Courtney Bell - For the Chronicle | Jun 2, 2023

Community members browse through items on sale in New Street United Methodist Church, during Saturday's Spring Fling fundraiser. Courtney Bell

SHEPHERDSTOWN — This past Saturday, New Street United Methodist Church brought back its popular Spring Fling fundraiser, which featured a variety of fresh food and used items available for purchase.

Throughout the day, this event attracted numerous people from around the area, gathering to find hidden treasures on displays throughout the inside and outside of the church.

Margaret Rose Smith organized this event, with the help of her fellow companions.

“We have done this for a number of years, but it was all because this building was falling down around us, and we needed the money to do repair work that wasn’t in the budget,” Smith said.

Since its budget could not cover what needed to be done to maintain its historic building, which was built in 1854, the church community decided to begin holding fundraisers, hoping they would be enough to continue the necessary repair work. Supporters of these fundraisers have come from all around, including Shepherdstown and its surrounding municipalities.

Many items were displayed on New Street United Methodist Church's lawn, for Saturday's Spring Fling fundraiser. Courtney Bell

While she discussed how the funding could help repair the church, Smith and the chefs noted that everyone who participated in this event dedicated time and effort to making this happen. One of the changes they all made in this year’s fundraiser, was putting a sign that lunch would be served in the downstairs area.

“You have to combine the efforts of everybody,” one of the chefs said. “A lot of people put a lot of time to do it.”

All of the baked goods being sold were made from scratch in New Street United Methodist Church’s kitchen. A handful of the church’s bakers spent two days making the food, while a number of others contributed their baking expertise sporadically throughout those two days. Thanks to their hard work, a variety of sandwiches, desserts and sides were available for purchase at the fundraiser.

Amongst everything were numerous items that were for sale. Many, if not all, of them were donated by church members. As a result, all of the rooms on the church’s main floor were filled to the brim with a wide variety of treasures.

If one could think of it, it would have been there.

Margret Rosenberg stands in New Street United Methodist Church's kitchen with her fellow chefs, working together to prepare lunch for the Spring Fling attendees on Saturday. Courtney Bell

“I may be the organizer, but I can’t do it all,” Smith said.

For more information about the church or its upcoming events, visit the New Street United Methodist Church Facebook page and their website, https://www.newstreetumc.com/index.

All funds raised from the Spring Fling will go toward covering the rest of the historic church building’s repairs.

Community members sort through books and pictures on sale, at New Street United Methodist Church's Spring Fling fundraiser on Saturday. Courtney Bell