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Pickleball and poetry: Bookmark the Park event highlights park developments, pandemic publication

By Tabitha Johnston - Chronicle Staff | Jul 28, 2023

Bruce Young, of Inwood, serves the ball on Bane-Harris Park's new pickleball court. Young demonstrated the game to Hagerstown, Md. resident Larry Jackson and Shepherdstown residents Cheryl Roberts and Effie Kallas on Saturday afternoon. Tabitha Johnston

SHEPHERDSTOWN — The Shepherdstown Parks & Recreation Committee unveiled its second surprise of the summer to the public this past Saturday, during its monthly Bookmark the Park summer event series.

During June’s Bookmark the Park event, the committee unveiled the creation of a new, paved walking trail around Cullison Park.

“We put out a survey about three years ago, and we had an overwhelming response asking for more walking trails,” said Shepherdstown Parks & Recreation Committee secretary Effie Kallas. “What’s really great about that trail, is that it is water permeable — it’s called Flexi-pave. It will accommodate tree roots much better than concrete!”

Kallas noted that, since its unveiling, the trail has seen use by walkers of all need levels, including those who might find the C&O Canal towpath challenging, like those with ambulatory issues or strollers.

This month’s Bookmark the Park featured the unveiling of the first outdoor pickleball court in town on Bane-Harris Park’s basketball court.

Shepherdstown resident Nate Howard reads a poem from his book, “Outside Everything,” in Bane-Harris Park on Saturday afternoon. Tabitha Johnston

“The pickleball court was another suggestion, where some members of the public said, ‘Can we have a pickleball court?’ and we said, ‘Let’s see what we can do!'” Kallas said. “We always had a basketball court here, so all we had to do was put down lines, buy a net and we’ll also be getting storage boxes, so if a member of the public wants to play, the storage box will have the net, the balls and the paddles, too. After a couple of times of setting it up, it’s pretty easy to do.”

According to Shepherdstown Parks & Recreation Committee Chair Cheryl Roberts, the court was lined by Shepherd University alumnus Bruce Young and one of his pickleball buddies. Young gave a demonstration on the new court to several Shepherdstown residents, following the court’s unveiling.

“We hope people will start to learn how to play pickleball, and that those who already play the sport will come and borrow the equipment,” Roberts said. “It’s for you! It’s for the public.”

July’s Bookmark the Park event, titled “Poetry and Photography,” featured Shepherdstown resident Nate Howard reading from his book of poetry and photography, captured by his friend, Sarah Eckstine.

“‘Outside Everything’ is an amalgamation of pre-pandemic, mid-pandemic and post-pandemic — if we’re even there — feelings, all squeezed into a tiny book,” Howard said. “I’ve often felt outside of social settings or, in past relationships, detached from my future maybe. This is an attempt to be more present and engaged. I’m still fighting that battle right now!

Mayor Jim Auxer finishes a swing, as the ball flies over the pickleball net at Bane-Harris Park on Saturday afternoon. Tabitha Johnston

“I think it’s a general reflection challenge, as well. I find it crucial to stare some of the most painful and tempestuous issues right in the face,” Howard said. “Additionally, ‘outside’ has taken on a greater meaning, after many bizarre months inside. Most uncomfortable of all, was realizing how much time I spent inside before the pandemic, and how much of that time I could have spent better.”

The final Bookmark the Park event of the summer season, scheduled for Aug. 19 at 2 p.m. in Viola Devonshire Park, will be an open mic event.

Shepherdstown Parks & Recreation Committee secretary Effie Kallas kicks off July's Bookmark the Park event in Bane-Harris Park on Saturday. Tabitha Johnston