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Acing the test: Support Our Teachers fundraiser to return to Evolve for second year-in-a-row

By Tabitha Johnston - Chronicle Staff | Sep 1, 2023

Shepherdstown Middle School, along with Shepherdstown Elementary School, was given funds to help its teachers cover their classroom expenses last year. Tabitha Johnston

SHEPHERDSTOWN — Last summer, a group of caring community members decided that they wanted to be part of the solution to a longtime problem in the education system — inadequate funding for public school classroom supplies. And so, on Aug. 20, members of Shepherdstown Shares gathered with other Shepherdstown community members in Evolve to donate money for use in the classrooms of Shepherdstown Elementary School and Shepherdstown Middle School.

According to Shepherdstown Shares member and fundraiser organizer Nancy Stewart, last year’s event raised a total of $1,650, which was then split evenly between the two schools.

“We came up with this fundraiser, because we saw a need for teachers to be assisted with all of the out-of-pocket expenses they pay, for school supplies for their classrooms,” Stewart said. “We didn’t really have a goal, as such, because this was a first time thing. We were thrilled to death with the outcome!”

As was the case with last year’s fundraiser, Evolve co-owners Jan Hafer and Elise Baach have once again agreed to donate the use of their shop location at 106 West German Street, for the duration of the Second Annual Support Our Teachers fundraiser. Volunteers will be available to collect donations in Evolve on Sept. 9 and 10, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.

According to Shepherdstown Shares President Jan Hafer, the Support Our Teachers fundraiser’s model is unique, in that it ensures all of the donated funds will be going directly toward their intended use.

“Bypassing the principal’s offices and the county school board, Shepherdstown Shares gives the money directly to the teachers at the Shepherdstown elementary and middle schools. The teachers know best what they need — and what’s missing — from their classrooms,” Hafer said. “School budgets are very tight and teachers often dip into their own resources for supplies. This funding addresses some of that problem, and provides the faculty at each school with the opportunity to decide their priorities about where the money should go.”

As was the case with last year’s donation, each school’s faculty senate will be given the freedom to determine where there is most need for funding assistance over the 2023-2024 school year.

“Many local teachers stopped by the fundraising table last year to thank the volunteers for the event. They also enjoyed talking to others who stopped by to give donations,” Hafer said, encouraging local residents to once again give a donation in memory of a teacher who made a difference in their lives. “Many of these folks gave quite a bit last year in honor of a special teacher they remembered.”

Those who can’t come to the fundraiser in-person can make a contribution by sending a check directly to Shepherdstown Shares, at P.O. Box 1780, Shepherdstown, WV 25443. Be sure to write “teachers supplies fund” in the memo line.