Jefferson County Fair closes week of farm-focused fun

Danielle Johnson, of Shepherdstown, and her two children, four-year-old Sasha and seven-year-old Riley, look at sheep together at the Jefferson County Fair on Friday. Tabitha Johnston
SHEPHERDSTOWN — For the Johnsons, taking a trip to the Jefferson County Fair is a longheld family tradition. As Danielle Johnson peered at sheep in one of the fair’s barns with her and her husband’s two children, four-year-old Sasha and seven-year-old Riley, she explained why it was important to keep the family tradition alive with her children.
“They have both been coming to the fair since they were in the womb — since I was pregnant with my older one, we’ve been coming here,” Johnson said. “My husband grew up in Jefferson County, coming to the fair every year. For me, the reason I like keeping this tradition alive is because of the animals — kids love animals and the fair food!”
A number of Shepherdstown community members could be found throughout the fair on Friday, whether they were visitors, like Johnson, or exhibitors, like Shepherdstown Middle School Future Farmers of America (FFA) alumna Morgan Grove. Grove was walking around the fair in a corn costume on Friday evening, trying to draw business to the Jefferson High School FFA grilled corn booth, with the help of her fellow FFA member, Aaron Sanderson.
“We’re with the Jefferson FFA! We’re selling corn and basket bingo tickets tonight,” Grove, who is now a freshman at JHS, said.
Along with drawing business to their FFA chapter’s booth, Grove and Sanderson were exhibitors at the fair, showing rabbits and goats, respectively, that they had raised over the previous year. Knowing that the next day, at noon, would bring the Sale of 4-H & FFA Livestock Animals, Sanderson said he was looking forward to seeing how his three goats did at the sale. Grove, however, expressed her sorrow over having to say goodbye to the rabbits she had bred for this year’s fair.

Community members buy tickets for carnival rides at the Jefferson County Fair on Friday night. Tabitha Johnston
“Unfortunately, I have to sell them, because I’ll be breeding them again for next year’s fair,” Grove said.
According to Summer Burns, of Charles Town, showing her animals at the fair has become a way of life for her.
“I grew up doing this! I don’t remember at what age I started,” Burns, who was showing a pig and three cows at this year’s fair, said. “I just love animals, so I really enjoy it.”
Burns said she would encourage more people to make coming to the fair a regular tradition, not only because it’s fun, but because it teaches conscientious consumption.
“It’s good experience, to learn where your milk and meat come from, instead of just eating it.,” Burns said. “It’s important to know the background of how your food comes to be.”

A little girl rides with her older sister and mother on the carousel at the Jefferson County Fair on Friday night. Tabitha Johnston
David Laslie, of Middleway, agreed with Burns.
“I brought 90-some birds to show at the fair this year — ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens — I like them all!” Burns said, as he held one of his younger chickens on his lap. “Last night, my daughter was holding another one of my chickens and met a lady who had never touched a chicken in her life — she was like 60-some years old! Most people never see them anymore, except on TV or in the movies.”
- Danielle Johnson, of Shepherdstown, and her two children, four-year-old Sasha and seven-year-old Riley, look at sheep together at the Jefferson County Fair on Friday. Tabitha Johnston
- Community members buy tickets for carnival rides at the Jefferson County Fair on Friday night. Tabitha Johnston
- A little girl rides with her older sister and mother on the carousel at the Jefferson County Fair on Friday night. Tabitha Johnston
- Jefferson High School FFA members Summer Grove, center, and Aaron Sanderson, left, walk around the fair to attract business to their chapter’s grilled corn booth on Friday night. Tabitha Johnston
- Summer Burns cleans up the walkway near her cows at the Jefferson County Fair on Friday. Tabitha Johnston

Jefferson High School FFA members Summer Grove, center, and Aaron Sanderson, left, walk around the fair to attract business to their chapter's grilled corn booth on Friday night. Tabitha Johnston

Summer Burns cleans up the walkway near her cows at the Jefferson County Fair on Friday. Tabitha Johnston