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Help needed with program

By Staff | Dec 30, 2011

Volunteers will spread out all over the United States, including West Virginia’s Eastern Panhandle, from 4 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Jan. 24-25, 2012 for the annual National Point-in-Time Count of the Homeless.

Training for Jefferson County volunteers will take place Jan. 10, 2012 at 7 p.m. at the Charles Town Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, 211 East Congress Street, in Charles Town. Attendance at a training session is required in order to assist with the Point in Time count.

In case of severe weather, the following alternative dates have been selected: Jan. 26-27, 2012 or Jan. 30-31, 2012.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires a biannual point in time homeless count in order for Continuums of Care to be eligible for Federal funding. Counts are performed annually nationwide in order to gather the most current data on those experiencing homelessness.

“It’s critical to understand the scope and magnitude of this very pressing social problem. It is increasingly important especially during the current economic crisis to connect individuals and families with state, local and faith-based resources available,” said The Rev. Wyman Hall, chair of the Jefferson County Homeless Coalition.

“We know that many individuals who are homeless or near-homeless face other challenges as well, and we’re hopeful this will help raise awareness for accessible services and encourage individuals to seek assistance,” Hall concluded.

Anyone who is interested is encouraged to attend the training and participate in the Point in Time Survey. Call 304-725-2592 to volunteer or for more information.