Community Club elects new officers
The Shepherdstown Community Club, formerly known as the Shepherdstown Men’s Club, recently elected new officers for the 2012 year. Taking over as president of the group is Tom Huddleston. Austin Porter serves now as vice president while Don Davis is secretary and Marit Davis holds the office of treasurer.
The club is a nonprofit organization of men and women dedicated to community service since 1945.The recent change in name was designed to expand the reach and membership base and to remind people that the club is open to all men and women, families and students, age 18 and older. They sponsor and support various activities and programs for the communities of Shepherdstown, Jefferson and Berkeley counties and Washington County, Md. and beyond.
An organization interested in education, culture, music and arts as well as social and community activities, the club holds events in the War Memorial Building as well as at Morgan’s Grove Park.
The next two events on the calendar for the club will be an Earth Day event in April at the park and the very popular Back Alley Tour and Tea in May.
For more information on the club or to inquire about membership, call 304-876-3323 or write: SCC, P.O. Box 463, Shepherdstown, WV 25443.