Dungan set to run for Jefferson County assessor
Gary Dungan, a Republican, has filed his official candidacy papers to seek the office of Assessor in Jefferson County.
Dungan is a highly successful accountant who led audit teams as a senior accountant with KPMG and served at the senior vice president level of two of the nation’s 100 largest bank holding companies. Due to his expertise, the Federal Reserve Board sought out Dungan to help resolve the Savings & Loan Crisis during the late 1980’s and 1990’s by serving with the Resolution Trust Corporation, a temporary government agency established by Congress to resolve the crisis. Dungan served in Buffalo, N.Y. as managing agent of the 12th largest savings & loan in the country, then as supervisory managing agent over 16 other savings & loans, and as department head of investigations looking into white collar criminal activity that led to the failure of the savings & loans.
Dingan is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a BS degree in commerce with an emphasis in accounting. He is a member of St. James Catholic Church in Charles Town and has served on numerous community and civic organizations, including three terms as an appointed member of the Jefferson County Development Authority Board.
He was raised on a farm in Southwest Virginia and served in the U.S. Army as a military policeman. He and his wife, Anne Newcomer Dungan, reside in Harpers Ferry and have two daughters and four grandchildren.