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Calendar of Events

By Staff | Feb 24, 2012


Email with questions about our free programs for infants to age 12.

Celebrate February holidays by borrowing a stack of children’s books: Inspiring Black History Month titles Feb. 21 through 29.

The Shepherdstown Library (at 100 East German Street) requests donations of gently used DVDs for adults and children. Either foreign or domestic films would be appreciated.


Spay Today, a local reduced-cost spay and neuter program offers NEW locations in Culpeper, Va., and in Mineral and Hardy Counties in West Virginia. For more info and more vets visit www.baacs.org or 304-728-8330.

Beginning and intermediate Bridge players are invited to join an informal group meeting every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Church. All are welcome and walk-ins are encouraged. For more information, contact 876-2661 or 876-0751.

Spiritual Care Services at West Virginia University Hospitals-East Jefferson Memorial Hospital is a ministry of healing that provides emotional and spiritual support to patients, their families, hospital staff, and volunteers. As part of this program, Jefferson Memorial Hospital has also established a Spiritual Worship Service every Sunday at 1 p.m. This service is held in the chapel, located on the first floor, and is provided by the volunteer chaplains. The service is open to patients, visitors, family members, staff and the community. For more about the hospital’s Spiritual Care Services or becoming a volunteer chaplain associate should contact Fernandez-Anderson at 304-728-1707 or email afernandez-anderson@jeffmem.com.

Free bicycle maintenance class for kids at Shepherdstown Peddle & Paddle, 11 a.m. til noon, Saturdays through Mar. 24. Girl Scout troops, Boy Scout troops or individual kids. Classes by appointment only. Call 304-876-3000 or email or eddie@thepedalpaddle.com or www.thepedalpaddle.com.

Come to the Clarion Fitness Center in Shepherdstown for SALGA YO, a new class with Jeanne Fisher which incorporates the gentle stretching of yoga before and after 30 minutes of Salsa and other Latin-based dance cardio will be held at the Clarion Fitness Center on Wednesdays at 9:10 a.m. Call for more information at 304-870-7011.


Students from Shepherd’s nursing and education departments will be holding a Jamaican festival and dinner in the Ram’s Den, Student Center, to raise money for their upcoming trip to Mandeville, Jamaica, from March 8-18.

Tickets for the meal are $12 and can be purchased in the nursing education office, Erma Ora Byrd Hall, room 204. The festival includes music, hair braiding, face painting, a silent auction, and bake sale. Tickets for the ping pong ball race raffle are $10 and will take place at 8:30 p.m. by Ikenberry Hall.

While in Jamaica, the seven students will work in schools and hospitals in Mandeville and also visit an orphanage.

A Friends of Music Fellows Concert will take place at 7:30 p.m. at the Frank Center at Shepherd University.

FEB. 25

The Clarion Fitness Center will hold a morning of fitness classes to support the American Heart Association. A $5 donation at the door for the classes which begin as follows: 9:15 a.m.; Heart Smart Step and Strength with Joie, 10:30 a.m.; Got Balance? with Tina and Salga Yo at 11:30 a.m. with Jeanne. Call Tina at 304-870-7011 for details.

FEB. 26

The South Jefferson Public Library at 49 Church Street, Summit Point, is pleased to host an art exhibit celebrating Youth Art Month. Featuring the work of several artists between the ages of 2 and 6 through March 31, the exhibit is the 36th in the Art in the Library series, which highlights the talents of local artists. The exhibit can be viewed in the meeting room during library hours: Monday through Thursday 10-7, Saturdays 10-5, and Sundays 1-5. The library is closed Fridays.

To celebrate their achievements, the library will host a reception for the budding artists from 2 to 4 p.m. Family members and the public are invited to come meet the artists and enjoy the artwork and refreshments.

Yarnability hosts a knitting class from 12-4 p.m. Learn the moebius cast on and how to knit this twisted cowl. Bet you can’t make just one. Purchase at least $26 of yarn and the class is free. Bring your own yarn and pay $20 for instruction. Please reserve a space for this popular class by calling 304-876-8081.

FEB. 28

The Bolivar Community Center will be transformed into a SouperNatural Kitchen and a classroom. Respected Shepherdstown chef Liz Gallery will transform Evensong Farms ham and sprouted beans into a heavenly delight. Chef Gallery and Dr. Alissa Harris will be teaching a 45 minute class on the health benefits and techniques required to sprout at home.

The SouperNatural Kitchen uses the money raised from the SouperTuesday dinners to buy fresh, local, whole food for families and individuals in the Bolivar community who need assistance.

Reserve your seats today-only 30 tickets will be sold. Cost is $15 for the 6 p.m. class and 6:45 p.m. dinner.

FEB. 29

The Potomac Valley Audubon Society will sponsor a bird walk on the C&O Canal near Harpers Ferry beginning at 8 a.m. There is no fee and anyone with an interest is welcome to come along, regardless of their birding skills. Children will be welcome. The walk will involve about 4 miles of level walking along the towpath.

Meet outside John Brown’s Fort, where Potomac and Shenandoah Streets meet. Participants should bring water and dress appropriately for the prevailing weather conditions. The Society will provide binoculars for those who do not have their own.

For more information, or to check on possible weather cancellation, contact trip leader Deb Hale at debhale72@gmail.com or 304-535-1528 or Sandy Sagalkin at monsanagalkin@myactv.net or 240-291-6465.

MAR. 2

The Shepherdstown Film Society in partnership with the Shepherd University Scarborough Society is pleased to offer a special screening of the film “Matewan” to celebrate Shepherdstown’s 250th anniversary. The film will be shown at 7 p.m. in Shepherd University’s Reynolds Hall and is followed by a discussion led by Davitt McAteer, Shepherdstown resident and former Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health at the Department of Labor. The film is free and open to the public.