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Governor seeks nominations

By Staff | Feb 24, 2012

Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin today announced that nominations are now being accepted for the 2012 Governor’s Service Awards.

The Governor’s Service Awards, which are coordinated by Volunteer West Virginia, the state’s Commission for National and Community Service, recognize outstanding individuals, families and organizations for extraordinary service and commitment to their communities.

“West Virginia is a state known for neighbor helping neighbor and we are fortunate to have so many willing individuals to step forward and give of their time, talent and resources to make our communities better places to live and work,” Gov. Tomblin said. “I encourage everyone to take the time to nominate an individual, a family or an organization that puts “West Virginia First” through volunteerism. This is an opportunity to honor those who give so much of themselves for the benefit of others.”

The individuals and organizations that are selected as recipients of the Governor’s Service Award will receive recognition during a banquet at the state volunteerism conference, Faces of Leadership, in Charleston, on Aug. 8, 2012. Last year’s recipients volunteered to mentor college-bound youth, promoted breast cancer awareness, used creative talents to benefit nonprofit organizations and created economic opportunities through tourism, just to name a few.

Nomination forms are available on the Volunteer West Virginia web site, www.volunteerwv.org, or by calling 800-WV-HELPS. Nominations should be postmarked by Apr. 13, 2012.