Danno tells story as a Park Ranger

Submitted photo Park Ranger Robert M. Danno tells story of alleged corruption among the National Park Service officials in new book, "Worth Fighting For". A book signing will be held at Four Seasons Books April 14 at 1 p.m.
“Worth Fighting For” a book chronicling park ranger and Shepherdstown resident, Robert M. Danno’s battle with the National Park Service and Washington Redskins owner, Dan Snyder has been recently released.
Danno, who has lived with his wife Mary in Shepherdstown for the past eight years, said that his new book is his way of setting the record straight and potentially righting a wrong.
“I’m trying to use my case to improve the agency,” he said.
The case Danno is referring to is a 2009 federal criminal trial launched against him in the U.S. Distinct Court in Martinsburg after Danno “blew the whistle” on the National Park Service’s alleged history of favoritism and corruption.
According to Danno’s book and earlier testimony, Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder received special treatment from NPS officials who looked the other way when the private property owner began cutting down trees in federally protected land near his Potomac, Md. home.
Danno, who then served as Chief Ranger at the C&O, and therefore the senior law enforcement agent at the park, said he felt it was his duty to report what he described as “shocking’ behavior on the part of his colleagues at NPS, and behavior that he said violates the primary mission of the agency.
“It’s unlike anything I’ve seen in my career,” he said.
Though acquitted “within minutes” for what he characterizes as a “frivolous” theft charge, Danno, who has worked for the park service for approximately 30 years, said the book will detail the administrative action taken against as a result of his testimony.
Such action included a series of reassignments and demotions and what Danno described as continued “harassment” by NPS officials.
“I was given ridiculous duties… duties we wouldn’t even assign a seasonal entry level ranger,” he said.
Despite his unfavorable treatment, Danno has remained employed by the National Park Service and now serves at the Antietam Battlefield park in Maryland without any duties or responsibilities.
“They put me out to pasture,” he said.
Danno explained that though he wants the facts to be told about his experience, he still has faith in the Park Service’s mission and hopes his story will inspire change for the better among his NPS colleagues.
“I want to help the agency re-center itself ethically and morally,” he said.
“Worth Fighting For: A Park Ranger’s Unexpected Battle” can be purchased by visiting www.honorcodepublishing.com.
Four Seasons book will host a book signing Saturday, Apr. 14 at 1 p.m.
For more information email Danno at info@honorcodepublishing.com.