Women’s Voter League to host forums
The League of Women Voters of Jefferson County is sponsoring two Candidate Forums in preparation for the May primary.
The first will be held on Monday, Apr. 2, at 7 p.m. at the Lions Center, 308 S. George Street, Charles Town. Included in that forum will be Board of Education candidates Gary Kable, Jim Jenkins, Jennifer Leeb, Laurie Ogden, Lori Stilley, Mark Osborne and Tom Delauney.
Also included will be County Commissioner candidates Jane Tabb and Reese Clabaugh and Sheriff candidates Robert Shirley and Everett “Ed” Boober.
On Tuesday, Apr. 3, at 7 p.m. at the Shepherdstown Community Club, War Memorial Building, Tiffany Lawrence and Richard Shuman, II, who seek the Delegate position for the 65th District as well as W. Matthew Harris and Elliot Simon who seek the 67th Delegate seat will face off. Also on the schedule for the evening are Prosecuting Attorney candidates Ralph Lorenzetti and Ruth McQuade and Magistrate candidates William Senseney, Gail Boober, Mary Paul Rissler, Wendy Torelli, William Arnicar, Peter Onoszko and Ronald Bell.
Candidates will speak and take questions from the audience.
The forums are free and open to the public.
Contact Joan Ergin (jaergin@frontier.com) or Tina Burns (tburns@svms.net) with any questions about the forums.
The League of Women Voters is strictly nonpartisan; it neither supports nor opposes candidates for office at any level of government. At the same time, the League is wholeheartedly political and works to influence policy through advocacy. The League takes a stand on many political issues after studying them and coming to a consensus on a position. The League works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and to influence public policy through education and advocacy, as well as through political lobbying.