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King to teach yoga workshop at Jala Yoga at Mellow Moods Cafe

By Staff | May 15, 2012

Jala Yoga, located at Mellow Moods Cafe and Juice Bar, 117 West German Street, is hosting a workshop in AcroYoga on Friday, May 25, from 6 to 8 p.m. with visiting guest teacher Vanessa King.

Combining elements of yoga postures, acrobatics and Thai massage, the workshop will provide firsthand experience for students to soar with a partner in AcroYoga.

King, a certified AcroYoga teacher who regularly teaches at Flow Yoga Center in Washington, D.C., and also teaches internationally, is known for creating a safe environment in which students can explore trust, connection and playfulness.

This workshop is open to all, regardless of level, age or experience; no partner is required.

The cost for the workshop is $25, $20 for Jala class card holders and $18 for students. People should register in advance by emailing Christa at cmastrangelo@gmail.com.

Jala Yoga offers classes seven days a week in the vinyasa style of yoga in which poses flow from one to another. Jala Yoga believes that yoga is accessible and necessary for everyone, and both beginners and seasoned practitioners are welcome.

For more information about Jala Yoga, please visit www.jalayogaflow.com or call 401-440-0279.