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Historic Christ Reformed Church to celebrate Festival of Pentecost

By Staff | May 25, 2012

Christ Reformed Church, 304 East German St., Shepherdstown, will observe Pentecost with a festive service of Holy Communion on Sunday, May 27, at 7 p.m.

Pentecost, a major festival of the Christian Year, falls fifty days after Easter and celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit to the church. Pulpit guest for the occasion will be the Rev. Marie Bacchiocchi, newly appointed Associate Conference Minister for Catoctin and Shenandoah associations of the United Church of Christ, an area containing some 60 churches and extending from Blacksburg, Va., to near Baltimore, Md.

Bacchiocchi is a graduate of the Harvard Divinity School and this will be her first preaching engagement within her newly assigned territory of the UCC. Music for this service will be under the direction of Mary Ann Morgan, director of music at Christ Church. A reception will follow the service. Christ Reformed Church welcomes all to receive the sacrament and is most eager to welcome visitors. The church is wheelchair accessible.