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Legion music program to start

By Staff | Jun 1, 2012

The Jackson-Perks Post 71 American Legion is partnering with not-for-profit Music in Time, Inc. to develop a new and exciting music program. They will be the home for a new family-centric Fife and Drum Corps, which will host a membership of adults (over 21) and young people (under 21). Music In Time, Inc. is a 501c3 organization that serves as the umbrella for similar programs located in Loudoun County, Va., such as the Loudoun Border Gards Fife & Drum Corps.

To have the start of the program continue, the VFW will have registration and recruitment on Sundays, June 3, 10 and 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Post home located at 225 W. Washington St. in Charles Town. Organizers Anne and Cormac Quinn will be on hand to explain the program and answer all questions. Previous musical or marching experience is not necessary to join as part of the program will include all musical and marching training. Current membership in the American Legion family organizations is not a requirement.

For additional information, contact Anne Quinn, public relations chair person, at AmerLegAux71@gmail.com or via cell phone at 304-596-7459.