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Jefferson County Schools offers summer food service programs

By Staff | Jun 15, 2012

The Jefferson County of Education announces the sponsorship of the Summer Food Service Program. Breakfasts and lunches are open to ALL children, ages 18 and under, who would like to participate. There are no financial requirements necessary. All children may participate in these meals.

Meals will be served at the following locations: Ranson Elementary School, 600 Preston Street, Ranson, beginning June 18 and continuing through July 27. Breakfast will be served at 9 a.m. Monday through Friday and lunch will be served at 12 noon.

North Jefferson Elementary School, 6996 Charles Town Road, Kearneysville, beginning July 3 and continuing through July 27. (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays only). Breakfast will be served at 9 a.m., and lunch will be served at 12 noon.

Both locations will be closed on July 4, 2012.

If anyone has questions about this program, he/she should contact Arlene Leonard, Coordinator of Child Nutrition, Jefferson County Schools, (304) 728-9230 or e-mail her at aleonard@access.k12.wv.us

Remember, this Food Program is available to all students. It is not necessary to complete eligibility forms. All children 18 years of age and younger may join either of the two participating schools for breakfast and/or lunch.