Suttenfield works shown
Dickinson and Wait Craft Gallery is pleased to announce that painter Diana Suttenfield will be exhibiting in their gallery.
Suttenfield moved to Shepherdstown in 1962 and had an art studio in town in the 70s, and has maintained a studio since 1985, near Morgan’s Grove Park ..
Her paintings, inspired by local landscapes and from her travels in the U.S. and Europe, have been shown in regional and national competitions and gallery exhibits since 1979.
Her pastels and paintings have been exhibited worldwide through the U.S. Department of States Art in Embassies Program, since 1993.
The gallery is celebrating over 20 years of showcasing fine craft/fine art “made in America.”
Located in downtown Shepherdstown, at 121 East German Street, the gallery is open seven days a week, from 11 a.m.-5 p.m.