250 years means a huge celebration
Two hundred and fifty years seems a hard thing to comprehend sometimes. There is so much history, so many stories and so many people that have come to make this town what it is today. The question is though, how does one write it all down?
A person can sit anywhere in town and watch people of different backgrounds, races and religions walk and come together and function as one. This town has been heralded by many as a melting pot, where people can just be themselves without the judgments of others.
“Shepherdstown is a place of new and established people. It’s a place where anyone can meet and just be,” was a reply from a former town resident, Lucinda Curbo.
Shepherdstown may be the oldest town in the state, but it hasn’t been left in the past like so many older towns have been. Just look at what has happened just in the few past years, anywhere from the Peace Talks and President Bill Clinton coming to the Clarion to local events like the annual Streetfest. Shepherdstown is truly a melting pot of different people and has a rich history for not only community members, but also the nation.
Former Shepherdstown residents are scattered all across the country, but they never truly leave the town and most are nostalgic for what this town has to offer. Looking through social media links like Facebook and Twitter, people can see that love for this town is seen from state to state. It can also be seen in the number of people that come to celebrate different aspects of this town.
Streetfest is a huge event for Shepherdstown and for the Shepherdstown 250th celebration, and is a time where past, present and future residents come to town to see what it has to offer.
“I would have to say that Streetfest is my favorite event to look forward to,” Tara Lowe, chair of the Marketing Committee for the 250th celebration said.
Lowe has been working with the other volunteers on the 250th celebration; they have been working to bring a year of celebration to the town for the past two years. They have partnered with groups like Christmas in Shepherdstown, Streetfest, and Identity Crisis to celebrate.
“(My) Reason to be involved is my passion for the future of Shepherdstown. It’s about working as a team with these different groups,” she said. Lowe commented about her perspective on the 250th celebrations and the future years that are yet to come for this little town.
It doesn’t matter how many years one has or hasn’t been here, whether one comes or goes, or if one visits once and falls in love with the place; Shepherdstown is the place for everyone and anyone, and hopefully it will be for the next 250 years.
To find out more about the 250th year-long celebration check out shepherdstown250.com.