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Trips to view migrating shorebirds

By Staff | Aug 3, 2012

The Potomac Valley Audubon Society will sponsor two mid-August birding trips to Eastern Panhandle sites that offer good opportunities to view migrating shorebirds.

The first trip, on Saturday, Aug. 11, will be to various locations. Participants will meet at 7 a.m. just inside the entrance to the Archer’s Rock subdivision off Harlan Springs Road north of Martinsburg.

The second trip, on Wednesday Aug. 15, will begin at 7 a.m. at the Stauffer’s Marsh Nature Preserve on Back Creek Valley Road, one-half mile south of Shanghai. Depending on recent sightings, the trip may also include other shorebird locations in Berkeley and/or Jefferson counties.

Detailed directions to both sites, with maps, can be found on the PVAS website at www.potomacaudubon.org.

Both trips will last about three hours. Both will be free and open to anyone with an interest. Children will be welcome. Binoculars will be available for anyone who needs them.

No pre-registration will be required. For further information, contact Sandy Sagalkin, at 240-291-6465 or monsansagalkin@myactv.net.

Many shorebirds pass through the Eastern Panhandle from August to mid-September as part of their fall migration. Species likely to be sighted include greater and lesser yellowlegs, semi-palmated sandpipers, least sandpipers, and pectoral sandpipers, as well as other marsh birds.

TheTop of Form Stauffer’s Marsh trip will involve a short walk into the marsh. Participants should wear sturdy waterproof boots and bring bug spray as the preserve has many ticks.

Both these trips will be cancelled in the event of steady rain.