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Auditions at Full Circle

By Staff | Aug 13, 2012

Auditions for the world premier of ‘Walt Whitman’s Secret,’ written by award-winning local playwright Sean O’Leary, will be held Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 11 and 12 from 12-2 p.m. This is a full length play in two acts with an excellent balance of humor, wit and life-pain. The show dates will be the last two weekends of September.

Needs for the cast include: Whiitman: About 70 years old and still very sharp; Horace: Late 20s, Walt’s right hand man who aspires to be great; Anne: About 30, bright, attractive. She will also play herself at age 58; Pete: In his 20s. Handsome, robust, uneducated with an Irish accent; and Flora: Mid 50s. Passionate fan of Walt’s and a political activist.

Auditions will be held at Full Circle Theater. Those interested but unable to attend should call Joe Jurand at 304-676-9062 to make special arrangements.