Calendar of Events August 10
Families with school-age children are invited to view a free film to be projected on the back wall of the Shepherdstown Library at dusk on August 17. The film is sponsored by the Friends of Shepherdstown Library (FOSL).
The Library will be open on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through August. Every Friday all year round will still be a fine-free day! The Library is also open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Residents who are temporarily without power are reminded that they are welcome to visit the library to cool off, send emails, recharge cell phones, and so on.)
Children are encouraged to pick up a reading log in the Library’s Children’s Department, borrow library books, and earn prizes for reading (or being read to). Prizes include two movie passes, a swimming pass, a free bowling game, gift certificates to Four Seasons Books and One Two Kangaroo, and a treat from the Sweet Shop. For more information, please call (304) 876-2783 or email “”>
The Library requests donations of gently used DVDs for adults and children. Either foreign or domestic films would be appreciated. Please drop off your donations at 100 East German Street.
The Library Board is seeking input about library services to be offered at our present location when it becomes a downtown annex to the new library. If you are interested in becoming involved in this Market House committee, or have questions, please contact Libby Sturm at (304) 608-2009 or, or call the Library at (304) 876-2783.
Another committee is forming to study safety along Route 480 at Lowe Drive (the Clarion Hotel) which may become the entrance driveway to the new library. To join, please email Jeffrey Gustafson at, or call the Library at (304) 876-2783.
Have a cat or dog that needs spay or neutering? Reduced prices available through non-profit Spay Today! NEW vets over a WIDE area! For more vets and MORE info: or 304-728-8330.
Beginning and intermediate Bridge players are invited to join an informal group meeting every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Church. All are welcome and walk-ins are encouraged. For more information, contact 876-2661 or 876-0751.
Come to the Clarion Fitness Center in Shepherdstown for SALGA YO, a new class with Jeanne Fisher which incorporates the gentle stretching of yoga before and after 30 minutes of Salsa and other Latin-based dance cardio will be held at the Clarion Fitness Center on Wednesdays at 9:10 a.m. Call for more information at 304-870-7011.
The Shepherdstown Museum, at the corner of German and Princess streets, is open on weekends from April through October and during Christmas in Shepherdstown. Hours are: Saturdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. The museum tells the history of Shepherdstown and of the Entler Hotel, in which it is located. For more information, contact Cheryl Gregory, Historic Shepherdstown’s Administrator at 304-876-0910, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. During July, the Museum will also be open Thursdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Identity Crisis will flood the town this evening. Dress and join in or just go participate and enjoy the revelry of others. All proceeds will benefit breast cancer awareness and research.
August 11
New Street United Methodist Church will be holding its annual Peach Festival on , from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Homemade peach pie (by the slice), peach crisp, homemade peach ice cream as well as country ham and other sandwiches will be offered for sale. Whole pies may be available after 2 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend.
A reception will be held for Mr. Bill McGinnis from 2-4 p.m. at the South Jefferson Library. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome to attend.McGinnis is the featured artist for the months of August and September. This is the first showing of his paintings, which are mostly abstracts in acrylic. McGinnis, who is 78 years old, a former Marine, was a cattle rancher by profession for most of his work life and didn’t start painting until after he moved to West Virginia after his retirement — and a heart attack — to be closer to family and grandchildren. For further information contact Sue Floyd at the library, 304 725 6227.
The Peter Burr House is hosting tours and a “Spin-in” from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Take a free tour of the oldest wood frame house in West Virginia, built circa 1751. Enjoy refreshments while watching wildlife in the beautiful natural surroundings of the Peter Burr Farm. Additionally, the Bread Bakers of the Burr House will be baking a limited number of loaves in the outdoor bake oven to sell.
August 13
Local author and historian Bob O’Connor will present Martin R. Delany’s role in John Brown’s Provisional Constitutional Convention in Chatham, Canada as the next in the Delany 200th Birthday series. The event will be held at Fisherman’s Hall in Charles Town at 7 p.m. The Hall is located at the northeast corner of South West and Academy streets.
August 16
The West Virginia Division of Highways has scheduled an informational public workshop to gather suggestions on improving U.S. 340. The department says the meeting in Bolivar from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Bolivar Community Center will focus on congestion and mobility issues along Route 340 at Harpers Ferry. The public will be asked to offer their ideas.
Transportation officials in West Virginia, Maryland and Virginia are looking for ways to reduce congestion on U.S. 340. A study of traffic on the highway is planned from Charles Town to Frederick, Md. The study will include a section that runs through Loudoun County, Va. The West Virginia Division of Highways is conducting the study.
August 18
As part of an ongoing effort to serve our community by providing instruction about things that interest people, Oakland Church in Charles Town is offering book writing and publishing workshop as part of their community education. This workshop is in conjunction with author/publisher Lauren Carr of Acorn Book Services. Lauren Carr’s Book Writing & Publishing Seminar: Make That Dream of Becoming an Author a Reality from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. for $15. Lunch is included. Course fee to cover lunch and the cost of the class materials. For more information about these or upcoming courses at Oakland Church, located at 70 Oakland Terrace in Charles Town, contact the church office at 304-725-3737, or go to their website at
The NAACP and the Democrats of Jefferson County invite all Iraqi Veterans to participate in the Annual
Heritage Day Parade at noon. The parade begins on Mildred and 3rd streets in Ranson and continues
down to Washington Street for three more blocks where it briefly stops before before the Reviewing Stand. Iraqi Veterans are asked to arch first in the parade as this year’s honorees.
The Charles Town Library will host a presentation by Shepherdstown resident Robert Danno, author of the book “Worth Fighting For.” The event will be held from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. in the community room at the Charles Town Library, 200 East Washington Street in Charles Town. “Worth Fighting For” is an account of National Park Service Ranger Robert Danno’s fight against federal bureaucrats’ decision to allow a billionaire to cut down a stand of protected trees. Danno will give a Power Point demonstration of the events discussed in the book. In addition, he will answer questions about the book. Books will be available for purchase.
All exhibits for the Jefferson County Fair must be entered between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. Those without an exhibitor number should report to the Ruritan pavilion to obtain a number. Fair festivities begin later in the evening and run through August 25.
The Apollo Civic Theatre, 128 E. Martin St., Martinsburg, announces auditions for “All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.” Auditions will take place today from 3-5 p.m., August 20 (7-9 p.m.) and August 21 (7-9 p.m.). Director Tami McDonald is casting for 3 men and 2 women (ages 25-65) in this non-musical version. Please prepare a 1-2 minute contemporary monologue. Auditions will also consist of cold readings from the script. Rehearsals to begin in late September. Show dates: November 9-11 and 16-18. Questions? Send an e-mail to
August 25
The annual Elmwood Cemetery “Testimony of the Rocks” tour will be held this year at 6 p.m. Drive into the cemetery located on South Duke Street in Shepherdstown, and you will be directed to the starting point. The cost of the tour is $10 per person. All proceeds will go toward tombstone restoration in historic Elmwood Cemetery.
Sept.4 and 6
A T’ai Chi class will be offered at Shepherdstown Elementary School 6:30-8 p.m. starting Thursday, September 6, 2012 for nine weeks. A second class is offered starting Tuesday, September 4, 2012 for nine weeks at Wright Denny Middle School 6:30-8 p.m. in Charles Town. To register for either class to improve your fitness and balance, call Adult Education 304-728-9237. For questions on content call Eldon Winston 304-264-4783.