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NET Worskshop scheduled

By Staff | Aug 31, 2012

NET (Nonprofit Education and Training) is a partnership among the United Way of the Eastern Panhandle, Scarborough Library Shepherd University, WVU School of Social Work and the Eastern West Virginia Community Foundation. It offers workshops to build knowledge and capacity of our local charities.

The workshop. Developing a Toolkit for Managing Nonprofit Ethics, will be held Wednesday, Sept. 19, from 9 a.m. to noon at 229 E. Martin Street, Martinsburg – Caperton Station 1st Floor Meeting Room.

Cost for the workshop is $25 per participant. Register online through the Eastern West Virginia Community Foundation at ewvcf.org/N.E.T._registration.html.

Nonprofit organizations face ethical dilemmas on a regular basis. Even the suspicion of unethical practices could pose huge problems for an agency’s ability to succeed. This workshop will help participants identify common and emerging ethical issues in the areas of fundraising, governance, human resources, and stewardship. Discussion of ethical principles and standards to guide the actions and management of nonprofit organizations will be covered. Strategies and tools for ethical decision-making will be addressed using case studies and participant experiences. Led by Jacki Englehardt, ACSW, coordinator of Professional & Community Education, WVU School of Social Work, participants will be able to identify common ethical issues in nonprofit organizations and apply ethical decision-making strategies to help guide actions.