Tomatoes judged at farmer’s market
The Shepherdstown Farmer’s Market held a tomato judging contest at last Sunday’s Market.
Mayor Jim Auxer and Town Recorder Lori Roberstson served as judges for the contest.
The first place award for the ugliest tomato was given to Eleanor Finn and second place was Dan Noland. Crissy James won first place for the most unusual. Tony Russo won first place for the prettiest tomato, with Eleanor Finn taking second. Finn also won first place in biggest and the best tasting categories.
Reese Brown won the award for smallest tomato and Sue Kimnitzer won second place in the smallest category.
Winners of the contest all received market bucks. Farmer’s Market vendor Inge Ledden said the markets selection of veggies is special because its one of the few local markets that sells heirloom plants, veggies and fruits, like some of those featured in the contest Sunday.
“The Market is full of heirloom tomatoes commencing the 250 year anniversary of Shepherdstown,” she said.
The Shepherdstown Farmer’s Market is open every Sunday though December from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. behind the library downtown.