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‘Crisis’ raises funds for charity

By Staff | Sep 14, 2012

Shepherdstown hosted an “Identity Crisis” on Friday, Aug, 10 with the goal of raising funds for Breast Cancer Awareness-Cumberland Valley. Earlier this week, event organizer Tara Sanders Lowe met with the nonprofit’s representative Monda Segalkin, to present a total of $2,500 to the organization.

Breast Cancer Awareness-Cumberland Valley, Segalkin explained, is a nonprofit group started more than 20 years ago by several women who felt they had no support in dealing with breast cancer. The program has expanded to offer assistance at no cost to individuals locally. The organization serves Washington and Frederick counties in Maryland, Franklin and Fulton Counties in Pennsylvania, Berkeley, Jefferson and Morgan counties in West Virginia and Winchester, Va. areas.

Examples of assistance provided include mammograms and ultrasounds, wigs and turbans, prosthesis, support groups and a variety of other materials such as camps and much more. Support is the name of the game for this organization and they reach out to women struggling with breast cancer and the needs associated with the disease and offer assistance and comfort.

“Thousands of women have been helped by this organization,” Segalkin said. “It is basically volunteer-driven and raises funds locally and then spends those funds locally,” she continued.

Lowe explained that the Identity Crisis event started as a ladies night out, has become something more important. Last year, she said she decided to use the popular event as way to raise money to help local resident. This year, she explained that the assistance broadened to help even more people.

“Everything is free,” Lowe said, referring to the services provided by BCA-CV.

Segalkin explained that the coming months, especially October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, are very busy ones for BCA-CV. One event individuals can participate in to help raise funds for the organization is the Step ‘N Stride event happening Oct. 20 at the Hagerstown Community College. Information on the event can be found at the organization’s website, www.bcacv.org. A Sept. 29 Trail Ride is also planned with complete details on the website.

For more information about Breast Cancer Awareness- Cumberland Valley visit, bcacv.org.